Stitchup RR-robert


Hats used to be a big deal. Women would have closets full of hat boxes, and men would always grab theirs off the rack before heading to the office. A hat to match the style of dress… A hat to match the weather… A hat for every occasion.

These days, people just use whatever hat is closest. Usually to keep your head warm or to cover up bad hair. There are a lot of generic hats out there. But with that, its a little bit more special when you come across someone whose hat just works with their personal style. A hat can complete a look like no one’s business.

You could make up the story of someone’s life based on their choice of headwear. What’s your story? What do you like/dislike about hat trends these days?

D. Edwards

This Is an archive of a 3 year long project i created for the soon to be defunct "TheScope" arts and entertainment magazine. t’s not a new idea, there are a million and one street style photographer’s these days. But just as with my ACITYLIKEOURS project i like the idea of documenting Our space in this period of time. Our little space on this planet though not as isolated as years past, has its own take on style that comes from its rich history and connection with the sea that surrounds us. I like to think of this project as a typology of personal style.

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